Nine years after the events of 2001: A Space Odyssey, a joint Soviet-US mission travels to Jupiter aboard the spacecraft Alexei Leonov to investigate the mysteries surrounding the 2001 mission, believing that Discovery harbors many of the answers.
One of the 'HAL 9000' panels seen at the main rooms inside the
Discovery One spaceship. Once the film wrapped all the sets were tossed away and destroyed, including the rest of HAL faceplates that were still attached to the walls. This panel was picked from the ground where was waiting to be binned with the rest of the set pieces. It is believed the only surviving HAL panel from '2010'.
Made of wood, metal and glass. A Nikon fisheye lens has been added behind the original glass piece to recreate the light effect from the movie. The red glow can be adjusted with a remote control.
Screen matched at the cockpit scene with the
Dr. Heywood Floyd (Roy Scheider), as seen in the
Display by Alchemy.